Upcoming Performances


Our next concert:  Wednesday November 20, 2019

Mark your calendars, our next public concert will be Wednesday November 20, 2019, at 10:30 am, at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Linworth. (That’s on 161, about 1 mile west of 315–between Dublin and Worthington.)

Our concert is, as always, free and family-friendly. It will last about 45 minutes, and we welcome fidgeters of all ages. We’ll play light classical music that is easy for children and adults to engage with.

We’ve chosen our concert music to create pictures in your mind and inspire your imagination. November’s concert, ‘Picture This’, features tone poems and smaller programmatic works. Programmatic music is music that depicts an object or event, or tells a story, through music. Mozart symphonies are not programmatic, but The Moldau sure is, and we’ll be playing that for you! The middle of the concert is devoted to creatures both large and small, including lions and elephants and….another creature not found in a zoo! We’ll close the concert with not one but two works by Tchaikovsky that are sure to move you.

See you November 20th!